Indicators of driver inattention.

Zaidel, D.M. Paarlberg, W.T. & Shinar, D.

Traffic accident investigations have shown that some form of attentional failure is a common causal factor in traffic accidents. An overview of the literature suggested four basic attributes, or dimensions, of attentional performance: intensity; distribution; regularity; and mode of control. No single measure has been identified which reliably and unequivocally indicates inattention. Several issues for further research have been identified.

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B 18611 (In: B 18601 [electronic version only]) /83.2/ IRRD 254471

In: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine AAAM, Louisville, Kentucky, October 4-6, 1979, p. 117-129, 1 fig., 36 ref.

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