The industry capacity challenge.

Doyle, N.

Delivery of the planned infrastructure program and planning for future growth are the most critical challenges facing the public sector in Queensland. With the unemployment rate halved to 3.6 per cent over the past four years, the State is entering a period in which capacity constraints and labour shortages present significant challenges, and may place a recurring limit on the pace at which growth can be sustained. In response, Main Roads is progressing a number of initiatives that can be broadly summarised as: 1. making the best use of industry's existing capacity in relation to project delivery and procurement; 2. encouraging industry to grow its capacity by providing an environment where business is confident of work over an extended period and investment is encouraged; 3. attracting new market participants to the Queensland infrastructure market place, focusing on larger construction firms as there is particular concern that the current market concentration will limit the competitive pressures in bidding; 4.strengthening the department's internal capability by seeking to establish itself as an employer of choice for those workers with professional and technical skills. The strategies outlined above will better position Main Roads to deliver its planned infrastructure program within the current environment. (a)

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C 46484 (In: C 44468 CD-ROM) /10 / ITRD E216917

In: ARRB08 collaborate: research partnering with practitioners : proceedings of the 23rd ARRB Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 30 July - 1 August 2008, 9 p.

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