Influence of passenger and cargo load on the at limit handling of a mini van.

Arndt, M.W. Dickerson, C.P. & Arndt, S.M.

Using analysis of a mini-van test vehicle's static load conditions as a guide, four different vehicle loading situations were constructed. The loading situations represent the corners of the vehicle's center of gravity position envelope. For the testing described in this paper a single vehicle under conditions of varied load was subjected to a series of test manoeuvres designed to elicit objective measure and comparison of vehicle steady-state and transient response. The purpose of the paper is to describe the test method, and to present the results of handling testing and limit stability testing of a 1991 Ford Aerostar mini-van/extended van under four different loading conditions. Differences observed in the plotted results of vehicle steady state response for different load condition are detectable, but small. The test results demonstrate differences in vehicle transient response for different loading configuration. Test results indicate increase propensity for wheel lift during step steer manoeuvres for increase loading of the vehicle. Test results demonstrate increased occupant and/or increased cargo changes the vehicle's steer behaviour. Overall, vehicle limit handling performance and required driver performance for varying passenger and cargo loading was objectively documented and shown measurably changed. (A)

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C 14071 (In: C 14045 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD E201481

In: Accident reconstruction : technology and animation IX : papers presented at the 1999 SAE International Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, March 1-4, 1999, SAE Technical Paper 1999-01-0449, p. 435-452, 7 ref.

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