Influence of pre-impact occupant properties on the injury response during frontal collisions.

Bose, D. Crandall, J. Untaroiu, C. & Maslen, E.

Optimal performance of future adaptive restraint systems will require an accurate assessment of occupant characteristics including physical properties and pre-collision behaviour of the occupant. The sensitivity of frontal collision induced injuries to occupant state parameters: stature, mass, and pre-collision postural orientation was investigated. A numerically modelled restraint system was used to determine the potential benefits in injury mitigation by accounting for the occupant state parameters estimated during the pre-collision phase. The restraint system with properties optimised for varying sets of occupant anthropometries and posture states reported a reduction of 20-35% in the value of overall injuries. Restraint loading characteristics optimised for individual values of occupant parameters reported significant variation in the load-limiting threshold of the restraint system (4 kN to 8 kN). The influence of occupant state parameters on the overall injuries sustained in frontal collisions and the requirements on optimised restraint performance will provide a framework for developing restraint systems using accurate information regarding precollision occupant behaviour. For the covering abstract see ITRD E144229.

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C 49816 (In: C 49805 CD-ROM) /84 / ITRD E144240

In: Proceedings of the 2008 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Bern (Switzerland), September 17-19, 2008, Pp.

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