The influence of some side mirror parameters on the decisions of drivers. Paper presented at the International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, January 13-17, 1969.

Walraven, P.L. & Michon, J.A.

General considerations about the use of convex mirrors indicate that they may be very useful to enlarge the field of view. There seems to be need to use smaller values for the radius of the mirror than 1000 mm. A reaction time experiment is described in which plane mirrors of equal size at different positions on the fender are used. An experiment is described in which a driver must decide whether he can overtake a car in front of him, while a car behind him is approaching. The instrumented car used in the studies is briefly described.

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1 + 0 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 2256 [electronic version only]

New York, SAE, 1969, 6 p.; SAE publication No. 690270

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