The influence of steered axles on the dynamic stability of heavy vehicles.

Aurell, J. & Edlund, S.

The use of steered rear axles on heavy vehicles has increased. They occur both on trailing units and on trailers. The extent to which dynamic stability is affected depends on the location of the steered axles and on the steering principle. The effect on the dynamic stability was investigated for different applications and steering principles. The analyses were performed with both linear and non-linear models and also with experimental methods. (A)

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C 24004 (In: C 24003) /91 / IRRD 860579

In: Vehicle dynamics : related to braking and steering : papers presented at the Truck and Bus Meeting and Exposition, Charlotte, North Carolina, November 6-9, 1989, SAE Technical Paper 892498, p. 1-18, 3 ref.

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