Influencing company logistics management.

McKinnon, A.

This paper reviews the corporate decisions which affect the freight transport operation. Logistical decisions are made at four levels: strategic, commercial, operational, and tactical, and the growth in freight traffic is the result of a complex interaction. The opportunities for reducing the rate of freight traffic growth are considered in terms of transport intensity and vehicle utilisation. Transport intensity is determined by the number of links in the supply chain, and so reducing the number or length of links by reconfiguring production and distribution may have a beneficial effect. Improving vehicle utilisation can be done by raising vehicle load factors, reducing empty runs and improving transport efficiency. Government can directly influence logistics management by financial penalties and incentives, regulations and advice. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118367.

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C 26048 (In: C 26042 S) /10 /72 / ITRD E118373

In: Managing the fundamental drivers of transport demand : proceedings of the International Seminar, December 2002, p. 60-74, 36 ref.

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