Information databases in the field of transportation and traffic : a guide for information searchers.

Fahlén, L. Jansson, K. Feldt, I. & Maxe- Ericson, B. (eds).

This handbook is intended to make it easier to find those international databases which contain references to traffic and transport literature. After an introduction to database searching, it briefly describes 13 specialized international bibliographical databases central to the field of transportation. It also provides a classified guide to some 180 databases on related subjects, such as engineering sciences, medicine, Nordic information, planning, research in progress, safety and risks, etc.

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B 31660 /10 / IRRD 824465

Stockholm, Swedish Transport Research Board TFB, 1989, 147 p., 3 ref.; TFB Report ; 1989 4 - ISBN 91-87246-41-4

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