Information as a means of promoting traffic safety.

Hussem, H.

From the three factors which play a role in the problems of traffic safety: the man, the road and the vehicle, the man is the most complicated one. Influencing human behaviour is essential to combat road dangers. The best solution must be found in an integrated education, beginning with the young child. Propaganda and publicity for the ever changing aspects of road problems must contain short and concrete information to be effective.

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B 649 (In: B 625 fo) /83 / IRRD 205024

In: Proceedings of the VIIth congress of the International Union of Associations of Doctor-Motorists (IUADM) on traffic medicine, held in Amsterdam, 20-23 May 1970; Arts en Auto, Vol. 36 (1970), No. 19 (10 oktober), p. 1550-1551

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