An Information System Promoting the Development of the Management Strategy of Road Assets.

Palfart, J. Lassalle, M. & Boggio, P.P.

Responding to the needs of users while ensuring the preservation of its assets within the framework of a restricted budget: this is the aim set by the road network managers. To successfully fulfil this objective, they need efficient and evolutive tools and methods to assist in management, evaluation and maintenance. Mandated by the SETRA (Service d'Etudes Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes - Technical Research Service of Roads and Highways) and the DGR (Direction Generale des Routes - Road Transport General Management office) to design a new computer system to manage France's national road network, the CETE Mediterranee has conducted a series of studies ona functional, organisational and technical level so that managers can have software tools equipped with all the necessary requirements at their disposal. This report addresses the solutions chosen to give this system the necessary capabilities and flexibility required: a digital representation of the network in which the components of the assets can be geographicallyor linearly positioned; an asset data base which offers the manager an objective, global and updated view of his network; the integration (in the information system) of software using tested management techniques; and a data history management device which ensures that the successive states of the components of the assets will be preserved over time, and which allowsthe manager to study their evolution. For the covering abstract see ITRD E139491.

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C 44852 (In: C 44570 DVD) /10 /61 / ITRD E139776

In: CD-PARIS : proceedings of the 23rd World Road Congress of the World Road Association PIARC, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 14 p., 12 ref.

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