Infrared headlamps for active night-vision systems.

Burg, M. Abel, B. & Eichhorn, K.

The potential for active night-vision systems to increase the visual range without dazzling oncoming traffic is explored. The system is based on an infrared headlamp, a camera and a visual display. Near infrared radiation is particularly suitable for this application. The available light sources for infrared headlamps include halogen bulbs, gas discharge bulbs and light-emitting or laser diodes. Tests on infrared headlamps in a light tunnel showed that they illuminated pedestrians effectively even at a considerable distance. The use of a projection lamp with infrared-transmissive shield enables the production of a headlamp that generates a dipped beam and infrared main beam at the same time. A first concept for an infrared headlamp using infrared light-emitting diodes has been realised as a prototype. For the covering abstract see ITRD E123380.

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C 31171 (In: C 31161 a [electronic version only]) /71 /91 / IRRD E123390

In: Proceedings of PAL® 2001 - Progress in Automobile Lighting, held at Darmstadt University of Technology, Laboratory of Lighting Technology, September 25-26 2001, Darmstädter Lichttechnik Volume 8, p. 90-98, 3 ref.

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