An initial performance review of Melbourne's City Link toll road.

Odgers, J.F.

Melbourne's City Link toll way has now been fully operational for almost Two years. A primary aim of this BOOT road infrastructure initiative was to reduce traffic congestion in Melbourne's inner city area. Accordingly it is now both practicable and important to subject this major road infrastructure investment costing in excess of $2 billion, of which the Victorian community has directly funded a substantial amount, to a performance review of both its benefits and cost. This will be done by exploring two questions. Have Melbourne's private transport users behaved in the way that Transurban forecast in its 1996 prospectus, and has City Link delivered to the Victorian community the economic benefits that were forecast. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E209537. This paper may also be accessed by Internet users at:

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C 27751 (In: C 27750 CD-ROM) /73 / ITRD E209538

In: ATRF02 : papers of the 25th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Canberra, 2-4 October, 2002, 11 p., 15 ref.

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