Injuries in the elderly sustained in the traffic environment.

Sjögren, H. & Björnstig, U.

All aged 60 or over (297 persons), injured (all causes) in the traffic environment, and treated as in- and out- patients at the Regional Hospital in Umeå, over a one- year period, were analysed. Vehicle- associated injuries became more common with advancing age, resulted in the most severe and critical (MAIS _4) injuries and the most fatalities, and cost (total and mean) more than fall injuries. In conclusion, from the injury cost point of view, it is most important to prevent vehicle- associated injuries.

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B 30655 (In: B 30651 S) /84 / IRRD 834901

In: Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine AAAM, Scottsdale, Arizona, October 1- 3, 1990, p.41- 55, 39 ref.

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