Injury-accident correlation in fatal road traffic accidents with particular reference to spinal injuries.

Dempster, A.G.

The results of detailed analysis of the mechanisms of injury causation in 58 fatal road traffic accidents are reported.Recommendations directed towards the introduction of measures to reduce the severity of injuries in traffic accidents include: (1) encouraging increased driver compliance in seat belt usage. (2) placing greater emphasis on seat belt assessment during vehicle testing. (3) promoting seat belt installation and replacement in existing vehicles. (4) identifying the extent of the problem of suicidally motivated accidents. (5) eliminating unsafe vehicle modifications.

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B 27939 (In: B 27919 [electronic version only]) /84 / IRRD 804423

In: Road Traffic Safety Seminar, Wellington, 15-17 August, 1984, Volume I, p. 283-298, 8 ref.

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