Injury assessment of belted cadavers.

Patrick, L.M. & Levine, R.S.

Nine cadavers were subjected to collision simulations in a modified full size automobile with a modified three point harness such as is used in the 1974 automobile. Two cadavers were subjected to a 20 mph barrier equivalent velocity collision; three at 30 mph BEV; and 4 at 40 mph BEV. The injury levels were: AIS-1 at 20 mph; two AIS-3 at 30 mph; and one AIS-3, two AIS-7 and one AIS-8 at 40 mph. The best fit curve through the AIS vs Velocity data indicate that the AIS-3 level is reached at about 34.5 mph. Fatal injuries (AIS-6) are reached at 40 mph. The injuries observed in the unembalmed cadavers are very similar to injuries reported in the literature in accident cases. However, the injuries appear to be more severe and occur with greater frequency at a given collision severity in the cadavers than in the living humans.

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B 12043 /84/91/ IRRD 221807

Detroit, Wayne State University, 1975, 28 cm., 127 p., 51 ref.; DOT HS 801 593.

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