Innovation for our future mobility : EU activities in the field of transport research

European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

The 21st century presents us with challenges that require a collective European response: scarcity of resources, traffic congestion and pollution to name just a few. In the transport sector, research lays the foundation for developing innovative technologies and ways of working that will bring about the changes required to preserve our mobility at low cost to society. The Transport Directorate of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation makes every effort to support excellent European research projects in the field of transport: projects that contribute to a cleaner, safer and smarter pan-European transport system and to a more competitive Europe. A budget of €4.16 billion has been reserved for this purpose as part of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7) from 2007 to 2013. The research funded ranges from completely novel approaches to transport to fine-tuning existing technology. It relies on the hands-on experience of small businesses as much as on the knowledge of academics and real-life needs of manufacturers. The projects showcased in this folder give you an overview of some of the results from European transport research and of the impact they could have on our society and your future mobility. (Author/publisher)


20121038 ST [electronic version only]

Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union Eur-OP, 2012, 19 p.; Catalogue number KI-32-12-118-EN-C - ISBN 978-92-79-23572-6

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