Innovations aim to stave off crash threats from all sides.

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IIHS

Automakers are deploying new technology on all sides of vehicles and in every direction to prevent crashes or lessen their severity. The crash avoidance features highlighted in this Status Report – forward collision avoidance, adaptive headlights and lane departure warning – are among the most common of these high-tech detection, warning and intervention devices on the market so far. Other features that the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) is gathering data on include blind spot detection, park assist and backup cameras. All these systems are be-ginning to make their way into mainstream vehicles, beyond the luxury models where they started out. For example, one of the top-selling vehicles, the Toyota Camry, comes with optional blind spot detection for 2012. The current Ford Taurus has optional forward collision warning and blind spot detection. Chevrolet, Dodge and Chrysler also are among the brands offering advanced technology. (Author/publisher)

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C 50705 [electronic version only]

Status Report, Vol. 47 (2012), No. 5 (July 3), Special issue "Crash Avoidance", p. 5-7

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