Innovations In Technology Transfers.

Grabowski, W.

The paper consists its own experience concerning modern technologies transfer in the area of road construction and road transport. Highway Engineering Division of Poznan University of Technology realises international collaboration with European Union Universities (France, Belgium, Greece, Germany) and also Australia, in order to exchange road technologies between Universities and Road Companies, Consulting Companies and Road Laboratories. The main purpose of our activities is modernisation of education and training system of technical staff and Road and Road Transport Development. The greatest current results have been achieved through collaboration with French and German companies, which work in Poland in the field of Road and Transportation. French Central Road Administration which effectively supports our work needs to be distinguished. The paper includes appreciation of our 4-year activity in this area. For the covering abstract see ITRD E135448.

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C 42868 (In: C 42760 CD-ROM) /10 /21 / ITRD E136345

In: CD-DURBAN : proceedings of the XXIIth World Road Congress of the World Road Association PIARC, Durban, South Africa, 19 to 25 October 2003, Individual Papers Strategic Theme 5. 2004. 5p (3 Refs.)

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