Innovative Concepts for smart Road Restraint Systems to provide greater safety for vulnerable road users (SMART RRS). Deliverable 2.1b: Report on revision of regulation EQUS9910208C.


Following the tasks marked on Work Package 2 of the Smart Road Restraint Systems Project, Task 2.1b contains a revision of the French regulation for evaluation of motorcyclist protection systems. This evaluation was designed by the LIER institution under request from the government. The EQUS9910208C test is then analysed in the same way as the Spanish UNE135900 was analysed. The EQUS9910208C protocol is very similar to the previously analysed Spanish protocol, although it does contain some slight variations. The protocol establishes a 30º trajectory with a 60 km/h approaching velocity, and also uses a modified dummy comprised of elements from several dummies: Hybrid II thorax, limbs and shoulders, a pelvis from a pedestrian kit in order to give it an articulate standing position; Hybrid III Head and Neck allowing measures of acceleration, force and moments. It wears a leather suit, gloves and homologated helmet. In this particular case, there are two crash configurations: one in which the dummy’s linear plane is perpendicular to the trajectory and another case in which the dummy’s linear plane is perpendicular to the barrier, thus, evaluating two different scenarios. The dummy launching and approaching speed is 60 km/h, as this velocity is found to be a little above average on this type of accidents, providing a worst case scenario result. Validation for the systems comes from the HIC values obtained from the dummy measurements. Also, the dummies have to be launched on their back from a launching device and must slide for at least 2 m before contacting the barrier. It is clear that the LIER protocol has very similar strengths and weaknesses as the UNE135900 test, in which it is a very visual system but variations may be produced from environmental conditions, launching system and other disturbances that come with the testing device. (Author/publisher)

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20110119 ST [electronic version only]

[Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza], [2010], 13 p., 17 ref.

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