Innovative road marking machines.

Griffiths, A.

This article describes the latest road marking machines and portable traffic signals developed by Techroad Dyco. The Rideliner was developed to fill the gap between a pedestrian and ride-on machine. It is a small articulated vehicle producing lines up to 600mm wide. The driver's seat is central. Small curves are possible including circles down to 300mm diameter. The Superliner is a larger version with an 800 litre tank. Details are given of the paint heating system and built-in safety equipment. Dyco's portable traffic signals are based on a unique split trailer system incorporating independent suspension. Operation of the system is outlined. A number of safety features are incorporated in case of failure. The system can be operated automatically, adjusting itself to the traffic flow recorded by a detector. A variety of batteries are available with solar, gasoline and diesel back-up systems.

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C 20752 (In: C 20695) /85 /91 / IRRD 866085

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 261-262

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