Inquiry into school zone safety.

New South Wales Parliament, Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety (STAYSAFE); Aplin, G. (chair)

This Report on the Committee's Inquiry into School Zone Safety is the first Staysafe report tabled in the 55th Parliament. The Inquiry was initiated by the Minister for Roads and Ports, who was responding to concerns about the perceived lack of consistency in the current operation of school zones and the lack of clarity about the regulations governing their use. The protection of vulnerable road users, particularly school aged children, has very high priority in the work of the Committee which has, over the years, conducted major reviews of pedestrian safety generally, as well as the safety of students in and around school precincts. The current Report provides a timely opportunity to examine the effectiveness of existing policies and to address criticisms surrounding school zone operations expressed by parents, motorists, road safety practitioners and members of the public. (Author/publisher)

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20120726 ST [electronic version only]

Sydney, NSW, STAYSAFE Committee, 2012, IX + 87 p.; Report No. 1/55 - ISBN 978-1-921686-44-3

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