Instability in dense highway traffic : a review. Paper presented at second international symposium on transportation and traffic theory, London, 1965.

Newell, G.F.

This paper gives a summary of the main results of a theory of traffic on crowded roads which accounts for the inherent instability which sometimes occurs, and can result in some vehicles stopping without any apparent external cause These are described in more detail elsewhere (reference 10) A model for car following is considered in which one relation between velocity and spacing (or concentration) is used when a car is accelerating and another when it is decelerating This leads to instability which is qualitatively similar to that observed in some long queues. (Author/publisher)

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20081471 ST [electronic version only]

In: Proceedings of the second International Symposium on the Theory of Traffic Flow, London, 1965, edited by J. Almond, p. 73-83, 15 ref.

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