Institutions for urban transport sustainability : case of Pakistan.

Imran, M.

It seems certain that achieving sustainable urban transport in Pakistan necessary to address the threat of rapid global warming, increasing road crashes and vibrant economy, will require profound institutional change over transport policy domains. Such change must encompass more than organizational structures, and includes re-investment in intellectual capital, change of mental models, and transformation of embedded systems of governance. In this paper the concept of path dependence is explored and some implications discussed of its relation to urban transport policy in Lahore, Pakistan. The paper has identified the existence of technical and discursive path dependence in transport planning in Lahore, Pakistan. The paper suggests for exploring opportunities to develop propositions for bringing institutional change for sustainable urban transport agenda. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214133.

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C 43524 (In: C 43510 CD-ROM) /15 /72 / ITRD E214147

In: CAITR 2005 : [proceedings of the] 27th Conference of the Australian Institutes of Transport Research (CAITR), CSIRO, Brisbane, 7-9 December, 2005, 11 p.

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