The Insurance Institute for highway safety : research arm of the US insurers and servant of the public.

O'Neill, B.

In the United States, the Insurance Institute for highway safety undertakes research on ways to reduce motor vehicle crash losses on the principles developed by these early pioneers. It communicates the scientific findings to a wide audience. Recent institute research has shown that raising the licensing age and imposing night- time driving curfews on the youngest drivers can substantially reduce crashes. Surveys of seat- belt use under recently passed state laws show that use increases with the laws though to not nearly as high levels as in Great Britain. Long supported by institute research, air bags are beginning to reappea in the market- place. Insurance industry support for such activities follows a long tradition of support for loss reduction measures in many fields.

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B 31784 [electronic version only] /10 /91 / IRRD 805540

Transport Reviews, Vol. 7 (1987), No. 1 (January-March, p. 83-94, 23 ref.

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