The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety : the role of US insurers in furthering road safety.

Lund, A.K.

The author outlines the history and organization of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) founded in 1959 in the united states by the US property and casualty insurers. Details are given of the role placed by the US insurance industry in the field of highway safety. Special mention is made of work in the areas of drunken driving and young drivers, high school driver education, and effects of seat belt use laws.

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C 606 (In: C 571) /83 /10 / IRRD 810488

In: Young drivers impaired by alcohol and other drugs : proceedings of a symposium organised by the International Drivers' Behaviour Research Association, Amsterdam, September 13-15, 1986, p. 325-335, 7 ref.

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