Insurance losses, personal injury protection coverages : injury claim frequencies for Volkswagen Rabbit with automatic and manual seatbelts 1981 and 1982 models.


Volkswagn (VW) offers an automatic seat belt system as optional equipment on int Rabbit models. This system is designed to automatically position a shoulder belt around the driver and front seat passenger when they enter the car. Belt use in traffic in VW Rabbits with automatic belts is about 50% higher than in Rabbits with standard manual belts. Seat belts, when worn, reduce the chances of death and serious injury in a crash by about 50%. The expected reductions in insurance injury claims, which include many minor injuries as well as whiplash and other injuries for which sat belts have limited effectiveness, however, have not been documented.

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B 23440 /10/91/

Washington, D.C., Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI), 1984, 10 p., tab.; Research Report HLDI-A-21.

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