Integrale veiligheidsrapportage IVR 2002.


This Integral Safety Report (IVR) 2002 provides an overview of research data on the integral safety field in the Netherlands. The most figures refer to 2001. Even figures relating to 2002 are included, where possible. No general statement is made on 'the safety in the Netherlands', but the state of affairs is given of the most important subareas of integral safety. An example is road safety. Among other things, data on the number of traffic fatalities and of traffic accident in-patients is included in this subarea.

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C 23477

's-Gravenhage, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, Directie Veiligheid, Informatiebeleid en Projecten, Afdeling Integraal Veiligheidsbeleid, 2002, 97 p., 46 ref.

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