Integrated road safety programmes in New Zealand.

Cox, R.G. & Searles, B.

New Zealand has not achieved the same success in recent years as other western countries in reducing its road toll. This paper points to recent road safety initiatives in New Zealand from which Australia can learn, but also emphasises some shortcomings in New Zealand. Effective road safety improvement programmes involve the co-ordination of many authorities and groups - in order to achieve this the paper suggests that a business planning approach could be adopted. Important elements of such an approach are co-ordination, cost-effectiveness, setting of targets, and commitment to experimentation, research and performance monitoring. The paper also recommends specific strategies that are likely to prove cost-effective in road safety programmes. (Author/publisher)

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C 22740 (In: C 22737) [electronic version only]

In: Invited speakers papers presented at the Road Traffic Safety seminar 1988, Wellington, New Zealand, 14-16 september 1988, p. 39-67, 44 ref.

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