An integrated system of transport safety : synthesis.

Krystek, R. (ed.)

Developed under the project 'Integrated System of Transport Safety' commissioned by the Minister of Science and Higher Education in 2007, the book is an extensive monograph on transport safety. The main objective of the three year project was to develop and integrated system of transport safety in Poland with integration within and between modes considered as the precondition for better and more effective safety policies. The monograph comprises three volumes. Volume I describes the state and system of road, rail, air and water transport. It compares the safety performance of the modes. Volume II comprises a set of analyses looking at how transport safety systems should be integrated. Volume III presents the end result of the project, i.e. the concept of an Integrated System of Transport Safety for Poland and recommendations on the implementation based on the experience of countries that have the most advanced transport safety systems. This publication is a synthesis of the entire ZEUS project addressed primarily to politicians and policy-makers but also to readers taking an interest in the integration of transport safety systems who cannot spend hours reading the three volumes of a scientific dissertation. (Author/publisher)

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20151265 ST

Warsaw, Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Lacznosci / Instytut Transportu Samochodowego, 2012, 130 p. - ISBN 978-83-206-1834-1 / 978-83-60965-77-1

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