Integrating emergency roadside communications with ITS.

Tugac, T.

This article describes the Aselsan 8410 Motorway Emergency Communication System, as an advanced roadside communications system, incorporating: (1) emergency call boxes (ECBs); (2) multimedia geographical information systems (GIS) for location; and (3) centralised control and monitoring. Its ECBs are located on both sides of the motorway at intervals of about 2km, linked to each other and the system's control centre by a four-wire cable link for voice and data communication. Control centre functions are organised by a central computer through a central communication controller. Reliable system operation is ensured by the system software's periodic self-test and on-request test capabilities. Each ECB has four emergency call buttons on its front panel, for: (1) ambulance; (2) technical assistance; (3) police, or (4) fire brigade. Pressing a call button initiates the transmission of a call message to the control centre via the central communication controller; each communication controller can handle up to 255 ECBs. The control centre's graphics monitor can display the ECBs' locations by coloured symbols, and detailed information for any ECB.

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C 20664 (In: C 20623) /73 /85 / IRRD 877961

In: Traffic technology international '96, p. 224-225, 227-228

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