Integrating freight facilities and operations with community goals.

Strauss-Wieder, A.

This synthesis report will be of interest to freight and transportation agencies, economic development departments, metropolitan planning and other community sector organizations, as well as elected officials. It covers water, truck, rail, and air freight facilities and operations. Although the report does not include pipelines, several of the issues and practices discussed are relevant to pipeline facilities and operations. The document identifies practices that have been or are being used by the private-sector freight companies and public transportation agencies in siting their facilities, modifying their operations, and managing their community relations. "Good neighbor initiatives" and balancing practices employed by metropolitan planning and economic development organizations, local governments, and others are also recognized. The synthesis contains information culled from survey responses from state transportation agencies and planning organizations. This information is combined with that from interviews with selected respondents and extensive, iterative Internet-based searches and follow-up discussions. (Author/publisher) This report may be accessed by Internet users at


C 32014 [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E827276

Washington, D.C., National Research Council NRC, Transportation Research Board TRB / National Academy Press, 2003, 58 p., 91 ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP, Synthesis of Highway Practice ; Report 320 / NCHRP Project 20-5 FY 2001 (Topic 33-12) - ISSN 0547-5570 / ISBN 0-309-06967-X

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