Intégration de la sécurité dans la conception et la gestion des réseaux de circulation routière.


Integrating safety into the design management of road traffic networks. The aim of this research area is to improve the integration of recent knowledge regarding the safety of layouts and user behaviour into technical design. It is also intended to assist in the integration of safety in actual project work and implementation procedures. These problematics form part of the continuity of research conducted in the various disciplinary fields: road engineering, urban planning, psycho-ergonomy, the sciences of knowledge, epidemiology, statistical evaluation and artificial intelligence techniques. Research can be grouped into three categories namely, the analysis of unsafety, infrastructure management and user behaviour. (Author/publisher)

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961631 ST [electronic version only]

Arcueil, Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité INRETS, 1996, 28 p., 74 ref.; Programme INRETS 1996-1999, Axe 3-8

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