Intelligent bus priority in London : evaluation and exploitation in INCOME.

Hounsell, N. Landles, J. Bretherton, R.D. & Gardner, K.

Bus priority in London is increasingly using new Intelligent Transport Systems to improve bus journey times and reliability. Advanced traffic control and congestion management strategies are being implemented together with new forms of selective priority using Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL). This paper describes the implementation and evaluation process of tbese systems, within the context of the EC-funded project INCOME, and illustrates how these ITS systems are being exploited in the capital. The paper includes a summary of key field trial results for London, which are forming the basis for this exploitation. (A*)

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C 19551 (In: C 19519 CD-ROM) /72 /73 / ITRD E110359

In: ITS: smarter, smoother, safer, sooner : proceedings of 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), held Toronto, Canada, November 8-12, 1999, Pp-

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