Intelligent Satellite-Based Road Pricing The Thin and FAT Client concept in the GNSS environment.

Hoepfel, S.

Deploying road pricing systems is one possible way to relieve regional transportation problems by using these systems as a tool to manage demand and additionally create funds for maintaining, preserving and improving transportation infrastructure. The choice of the right charging technology is still the ultimate question. As well the decision for the "right scheme" has to be taken into consideration as well. The field trial that is referred to is effected in an environment that is clearly determined for GNSS-based systems. It will show integrity and accuracy of GNSS tolling applications. Combining the knowledge from a 400-participants 1 year+ field trial, with the know-how gathered in various bids, this trial uses a two-way approach with a "Thin Client Concept" and a "Fat Client Concept". Even the issue of interoperability has been addressed. Thus, the technology proof mightlead to a technology shift. For the covering abstract see E134653.

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C 41413 (In: C 40997 CD-ROM) /73 / ITRD E136162

In: Proceedings of the 13th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Services, London, United Kingdom, 8-12 October 2006, 4 p.

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