Intelligent transport systems and winter conditions - update (2004-2008).


This issue of Current Topics includes over 60 abstracts of reports, conference papers, books and journal articles which focus on the use of intelligent transport systems to facilitate highway and transport management under snowy and icy conditions. Topics covered include: winter hazard warningsfor drivers; systems for sensing icy roads, the presence of de-icing chemicals and for coordinating winter road maintenance; electronic driving aids for winter driving in cars and snow clearance equipment; technology for limiting the speed of vehicles driving in adverse conditions; and avalanche detection. These items have been selected from the material added to theTransport Research Laboratory's Library Database between 2004 and 2008. Much of the relevant English language published literature from the UK, USA, Canada and Europe is included; some of the non-UK literature is includedcourtesy of the OECD International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) database.


C 46135 [electronic version only] /62 /73 / ITRD E144994

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 2010, 24 p.; Current Topics in Transport ; CT 152.1 - ISSN 1464-1380

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