Intelligent Transportation System in smart city : a SWOT analysis.

Parekh, T. Kumar, B.V. Maheswar, R. Sivakumar, P. Surendiran, B. & Aileni, R.M.

Mobility is undergoing a notable change that will transform cities, businesses, and society. To plan a smart city which provides an efficient and impartial solution on civic mobility is a critical problem all over the world. Increasingly consumers are turning on-demand and app-based mobility services for the sequence of transportation options. This chapter explores designing a complete and efficient but secure public transport (PT) system, adapting to vehicle innovation and adoption, framing policies and approach to elevate adherence to air quality norms and other measures for better quality, building economic framework both physical and computerized to help inventive versatility arrangements, likewise creating open private organizations, and other institutional coordinated efforts to address the gridlock and other maintainable issues. Technology has the most vital role to play, by predicting the inflow and outflow data to handle transportation planning. Likewise, technology helps in developing the reliability of PT networks by giving details on arrivals, departures, and route information to voyagers for an issue-free journey. This type of management can help in proficient flow of vehicles. (Author/publisher)

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20210613 ST [electronic version only]

In: Challenges and solutions for sustainable smart city development, ed. by R. Maheswar, M. Balasaraswathi, R. Rastogi, A. Sampathkumar & G.R. Kanagachidambaresan, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-70182-6 (print) / 978-3-030-70183-3 (online), p. 17-47, 24 ref.

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