The interaction between driver impairment and road design in the causation of road crashes : three case studies.

Kenny, P.J.

This chapter considers how road design can be implicated in accidents where fatigue is a factor and makes recommendations for improvements to design. Three case studies from New South Wales are discussed: a) a loss of control accident involving a small sedan colliding with a power pole in a rural village, b) a loss of control accident involving a large sedan colliding with a power pole in a regional city and c) an accident involving a small sedan striking the third-last carriage of a moving train at night. The evidence for fatigue and other factors are discussed. It is suggested that road design should take into account less than optimal performance of the driver. For the covering abstract see C 45915 (IRRD 876074).

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C 45922 (In: C 45915) /20 /83 / IRRD 876081

In: Fatigue and driving : driver impairment, driver fatigue and driving simulation, edited by L.R. Hartley, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 1995, p. 87-94, 9 ref.

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