Interaction between fixed and vehicular illumination systems : final report.

Gallagher, V.P. & Janoff, M.S.

This report summarises the total research effort, with emphasis on the final phase which covered a series of experiments relating driver and pedestrian gap-acceptance to illumination level, uniformity ratio, vehicle lighting and vehicle speed. The major conclusions of the research are that drivers' responses to a roadway obstacle almost always improved in the presence of increased illumination, left turning drivers and pedestrians will utilise available lighting to maximise safety, and gap-acceptance performance variability increases with illumination. Parking lights resulted in an overestimate of separation distance in the intersection crossing situation. (A)

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821582 ST

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Offices of Research and Development, 1972, IX + 75 p.; FHWA-RD-72-51

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