Interactive fibre optic signing at a rural crossroad (B1148 Felthorpe, Norfolk CC). Prepared for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions DETR, Chief Scientist's Unit.

Winnett, M.A. Woodgate, E. & Mayhew, N.

This report evaluates Fibre Optic technology applied to the problem of high speed vehicles approaching a rural cross road. The site chosen at Felthorpe in Norfolk had a history of 31 recorded personal injury accidents in a ten year period. Engineering remedial measures had been carried out but with little affect upon the accident problem, principally collisions between vehicles emerging from the minor arm with high speed vehicles on the major arm. The signs, showing the standard crossroad symbol with the message `SLOW DOWN', were switched on when vehicles approaching the junction exceeded 46 mph. Although the drivers' were not given an advisory speed, they did slow down, resulting in a safer approach speed to the junction. Additionally, time headways have increased (avoiding tailgating). This method of controlling speed can reduce speeds below the posted speed for the highway. (A)


C 15074 [electronic version only] /73 /83 / IRRD E103279

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 1999, IV + 16 p., 4 ref.; TRL Report ; No. 401 - ISSN 0968-4107

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