The intergration of central and local government programmes : a local authority perspective.

Penn, R. Barras, R. & Geary, K.

The experience in recent years of Cleveland County Council is cited. Certain re-allocation of resources among its committees have taken place within a national constraint for the Council of nil growth in resources in real terms. The annual Public Expenditure Survey Committee exercise (PESC), the Transport Policy and Programme document (TPP), the Structure Plans and the Inner Area Programmes form the shire county involvement with central government, so far with few links.

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B 15321 (In: B 15319) / 72.10 /

In: Proceedings of seminar A on policy analysis for urban and regional planning, PTRC summer annual meeting at the University of Warwick, England, on 10-11 July 1978, p. 28-36, 1 fig.

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