Intergroup relations

Essential readings

This book is a collection of classic and contemporary readings that help to define the social psychological study of intergroup relations and capture the diversity and complexity of the topic as well as some of the major controversies. Nine sections in the volume cover the following main topics: personality and individual differences; goal relations and interdependence; social identity and self-categorization; intergroup attitudes and explanations; intergroup behavior and discrimination; motives for group membership and intergroup behavior; influence in intergroup context; disadvantage, relative deprivation and social protest; intergroup contact and social harmony.
In making the selections the editors have also tried to choose readings that are accessible to and engaging for students and others new to the area. The volume also includes a substantial overview chapter by the editors as well as introductions to each section, suggestions for further reading and discussion questions.

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13 + 5 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.
XIV + 439
Hogg, M.A.; Abrams, D.
Key Readings in Social Psychology
20230111 ST
Gepubliceerd door
Psychology Press, Philadelphia

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