An interim report : building a wireless internet-based traveler's information system as a replacement of car navigation systems.

Choi, J.U. Kim, H.J. & Namkoong, S.

With the rapid advance in computer and communication technology, there is a need to develop wireless Internet-based transformation information providing systems. Moreover, wide acceptability of Internet services and hand-held electronic devices is making the traditional car navigation systems less useful information providers, because of the limited communication functions. The car navigation systems cannot provide information of traffic situations in real time mode. In this research a project is described which develops a wireless Internet-based transformation information provider as a replacement of current car navigation systems. The end-user device combines car navigation systems with wireless Internet service, utilizing the map-matching function based on GPS generated location data and high-speed moving picture technology based on a data compression/decompression algorithm.

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C 13782 (In: C 13302 CD-ROM) /73 /91 / IRRD 491979

In: Mobility for everybody : proceedings of the fourth world congress on Intelligent Transport Systems ITS, Berlin, 21-24 October 1997, Paper No. 3200, 6 p., 3 ref.

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