International scan : reducing congestion and funding transportation using road pricing.

Campbell, J. Solomon, G. Fawver, G. Lorello, R. Mathis, D. Quiroga, C. Rhinehart, B. Ward, B. Zaharewicz, J. & Zembillas, N.

The purpose of the International Scan was to identify new ideas and practical, workable models for integrating road pricing approaches into state, local, and regional policies, programs, and practices. The findings are intended to inform the U.S. road pricing research agenda and identify best practices from international experience that will assist U.S. practitioners. The scan team visited with representatives from Sweden, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Germany, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands in December 2009. The team was composed of representatives from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA); the Georgia, Minnesota, Virginia, and Washington State Departments of Transportation; the Port uthority of New Jersey and New York; and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. A list of scan team members is presented on the back cover. (Author/publisher) This report may be accessed by Internet users at

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20100738 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Office of International Programs, 2010, 17 p.

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