International seat belt and child restraint use law : a study of occupant restraint use requirements and their impact in foreign countries.

American Seat Belt Council.

In the summer of 1980, the American Seat Belt Council (ASBC) surveyed road safety officials in many countries. The survey questionnaire was divided into two parts. Part one dealt with measures in force to protect children involved in automobile accidents. Part two concerned seat belt usage requirements, the history of enforcement efforts, and the effectiveness of the seat belt law. The survey found that the problem of child safety has yet to be adequately addressed. Only the Australian states and the Canadian province of Saskatchewam have made usage of child restraint systems mandatory. In some countries, children are required to ride in the rear seats, but for the most part government have directed their attention to adult seat belt usage.

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B 24184 /91/

Washington, D.C., American Seat Belt Council, 1981, 29 p. + app., tab.

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