International Symposium on Visual Aspects of Road Markings, Paris, 2-3 May 1983 : reports and papers.

Schreuder, D.A. Jackson, J. O'Hanlon, J.F. Riemersama, J.B.J. Blaauw, G.J. Serres, A.M. Jenkins, S.E. Lay, M.G. Bry, M. Fournier, J.S. Lothe, M. Schreiber, G. Cathelain, M. Reidt, W. Kebschull, W. Stephenson, H.F. Lundkvist, S.O. Sorenson, K. Rennilson, J.J. Fleischer, J. Gudum, J. Meseberg, H.H. & Paumier, J.L.

Reports and papers are presented under five sections as follows: section 1, Signalling function of road markings: report section 1 (Schreuder, D.A.); Reflectorised road markings, their contribution to traffic safety (Jackson, J.); Raised lane-line pavement markers as an aid to the performance of impaired drivers (O'Hanlon, J.F.); Visual processes in vehicle guidance (Riemersama, J.B.J.). Section 2, Contrast requirements of markings and studs: report section 2 (Blaauw, G.J.); The marking visibility due to contrast with the pavement in various conditions of illumination (Serres, A.M.); Overview of ARRB research on delineation (Jenkins, S.E. and Lay, M.G.). Section 3, Influence of beads and their application: report section 3 (Bry, M.); Surface treatment and night time visibility (Fournier, J.S.); The retroreflection level of road markings in France (Lothe, M.). Section 4, Products and materials: report section 4 (Schreiber, G.); Factors of night time visibility of delineation in case of rain (Cathelain, M.); The influence of different road surfaces to the night visibility of points and 2-component road markings (Reidt, W.). Section 5, Photometric and colorimetric properties: report section 5 (Kebschull, W. and Stephenson, H.F.); Measured data for the reflection properties of road surfaces and road markings in headlight illumination (Lundkvist, S.O.); Model considerations on the reflection properties of road surfaces and road markings in headlight illumination (Sorenson, K.); Effects of sample size, geometry and illuminants on the measurement of the luminance factor and day time color of reflective material (Rennilson, J.J.); A portable reflection measuring meter for measuring road marking reflectivity (Fleischer, J.); Measuring box for estimation of the reflection properties of road markings in headlight and daytime illumination (Gudum, J.); Comparison of the measuring results of retrometers of different type and make (Meseberg, H.H.); Objectives and quality of field reflectometers (Paumier, J.L.)

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C 12731 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 269233

Paris, Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, Direction Scientific, 1983, 43 p., 25 ref.


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