Intersection collision avoidance study.

Bellomo-McGee, Incorporated Battelle Memorial Institute & Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

The primary objective of this project was to define and evaluate infrastructure-only Intersection Collision Avoidance System (ICAS) concepts aimed at reducing the number of intersection crashes. System engineering analyses were performed to define and evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of alternative infrastructure-based advanced technology concepts. This included development of functional requirements, conceptual designs, and testing the feasibility of those designs at high crash intersections in three states. A literature review of human factors studies, crash studies, and countermeasures identified to reduce intersection crashes was conducted. The review resulted in a general description of crossing path crashes at intersections and the factors causing those crashes. The project identified certain parameters required for characterizing traffic flow based on current Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications/concepts for traffic management. Information on human factors issues important to the selection and design of infrastructure-based technology was identified. These included the driver age, vehicle gap acceptance, and response to emergency events. Bellomo-McGee, Incorporated worked closely with Virginia, California, and Minnesota (The Infrastructure Consortium) to select high-priority candidate intersections where the feasibility of different ICAS concepts could be evaluated. Crash reports for crashes at candidate intersections were analyzed to identify types of crossing path crashes that were occurring and potential causes of those crashes. It was determined that Left Turn Across Path of Opposite Direction (LTAP/OD); Straight Crossing Path (SCP); and Left Turn Across Path of Lateral Direction (LTAP/LD) crashes were the most frequent types of crash, regardless of whether or not the intersection was signalized. Operations concepts were developed based on crash scenarios and causal factor patterns obtained from crash reports for the candidate intersections. Six of the original candidate intersections were chosen for further study to determine the feasibility of implementing an ICAS at each location. Data were collected on-site for each intersection. Based on those data, conceptual designs for an ICAS were developed to address the crashes observed at each intersection. Based on this work it was determined that implementing an ICAS to address each of the three most prevalent types of intersection crashes was feasible. In addition, the benefit-cost analysis showed recouping of ICAS implementation costs to be quick. (Author/publisher)

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C 40353 [electronic version only] /83 /73 / ITRD E836513

Silver Spring, MD, Bellomo-McGee, Incorporated, 2003, Pp. + 4 app., 10 ref.

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