Intersection negotiation problems of older drivers. Volume II: background synthesis on age and intersection driving difficulties.

Staplin, L. Lococo, K.H. McKnight, A.J. McKnight, A.S. & Odenheimer, G.L.

This project included a background literature synthesis and observational field study. The research goals were to document driving problems and errors at intersections, for older drivers using their own cars to travel familiar and unfamiliar routes, and to measure how well they could be predicted by prior tests given in an office setting. Volume I (See C 24144) presents the field study methodology and results; this volume, Volume II, presents the background synthesis.

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C 24145 [electronic version only] /83 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1998, V + 133 p., 239 ref.; DOT HS 808 850

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