Intersection service level by Critical Movement Summation (CMS) or Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). Paper prepared for the 55th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 1976.

Trout, R.S. & Loutzenheiser, R.C.

A questionnaire was devised to determine "real world" application of factors used in the HCM method and relative value and use of the CMS method. A 58% questionnaire response indicated that most people use the HCM method obtained from both the HCM method and the CMS method for at-grade intersections. Analysis indicated that level of service results from the two methods were generally different.

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B 8899 /21/73/

College Park, University of Maryland, Transportation Studies Center, 1976, 27 p., 3 tab., 15 ref.

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