The intersection of technology and society : evaluating the impact of intelligent infrastructure on transport and travel. Review commissioned by the Office of Science and Technology.

Little, S.

An overview of a range of social science methods with the potential to assist in the effective development and deployment of intelligent infrastructure systems (IIS) is presented. It suggests that the intersection of technology and society can be explored using a combination of reflective analysis and proactive intervention supported by a range of tools from the social sciences. From a technical perspective IIS must be affordable, effective, reliable and robust. From a social perspective IIS must be acceptable in terms of the demands they make on those encountering them. Some level of social learning is necessary to realise unanticipated uses and benefits from a system and its components. A range of findings from the application of different social science techniques are used to illustrate the value of the analysis of emerging trends and applications of technology which go beyond those originally envisaged. For the full text of this document see:….

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C 50454 [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E158875

[London, Department for Business, Innovation & Skills], 2010, 17 p., 53 ref.; Foresight Intelligent Infrastructure Systems Project

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