Intersection video detection field handbook.

Bonneson, J. & Abbas, M.

Video imaging vehicle detection systems (VIVDSs) are becoming an increasingly common means of detecting traffic at intersections and interchanges in Texas. This interest stems from the recognition that video detection is often cheaper to install and maintain than inductive loop detectors at multi-lane intersections. It is also recognized that video detection is more readily adaptable to changing conditions at the intersection (e.g., lane reassignment, temporary lane closure for work zone activities). The benefits of VIVDSs have become more substantial as the technology matures, its initial cost drops, and experience with it grows. This handbook is intended to assist engineers and technicians with the design, layout, and operation of a VIVDS. This assistance is provided in three ways. First, the handbook identifies the optimal detection design and layout. Second, it provides guidelines for achieving an optimal or near-optimal camera location and field of view. Third, it provides guidelines for laying out the VIVDS detectors such that they will provide safe and efficient operation, and guidance on the need for, and schedule of, VIVDS maintenance activities.

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C 30266 [electronic version only] /73 /61 / ITRD E824400

College Station, TX, Texas A & M University, Texas Transportation Institute TTI, 2002, IX + 19 p., 1 ref.; Report No. FHWA/TX-03/4285-3

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